
As part of our broad range of services, we provide our customers with an accounting audit followed by an audit of the financial statements conducted by an auditor (also according to IFRS).

Businesses that are subject to statutory audit are specified in Section 19 and Section 22 of Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting. Naturally, we also provide audit to companies which are not under statutory obligation to do so (i.e. audit for banking, information, and other purposes).

An audit is an analysis made by an expert in a company in order to verify the accuracy and veracity of both the financial statements and the financial information of the company. Pursuant to the Slovak Act on Auditors, the audit is defined as the verification of the financial statements and verification of compliance of the annual report with the financial statements.

In the Slovak Republic, an audit is based on the International Standards on Auditing issued by the International Federation of Accountants.

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